Prayers to Our Savior, the Virgin Mary, and Various Saints

Prayers to Saint Benedict of Nursia

O holy Benedict, our venerable father, instructor of monastics and beacon of faith and piety for all the Orthodox faithful, in compunction of soul and contrition of heart we fall...

Prayers to Saint Benedict of Nursia

O holy Benedict, our venerable father, instructor of monastics and beacon of faith and piety for all the Orthodox faithful, in compunction of soul and contrition of heart we fall...

Prayers to the Mother of God, The Surety of Sin...

O most blessed Mistress, defender of the Christian race, refuge and salvation of those who flee unto thee! I know, I truly know that I have sinned greatly, O all-merciful...

Prayers to the Mother of God, The Surety of Sin...

O most blessed Mistress, defender of the Christian race, refuge and salvation of those who flee unto thee! I know, I truly know that I have sinned greatly, O all-merciful...

Prayers to the Sovereign Mother of God

O most lauded Mother, helper of the world! Falling down before thine icon "She Who Reigneth" with fear, faith and love, we fervently beseech thee: turn not thy face away...

Prayers to the Sovereign Mother of God

O most lauded Mother, helper of the world! Falling down before thine icon "She Who Reigneth" with fear, faith and love, we fervently beseech thee: turn not thy face away...

A Prayer in Time of Tribulation

O Lord God Almighty! Look down upon us, Thy sinful children, who have sinned before Thee and have angered Thy goodness, who have drawn down Thy righteous wrath upon us...

A Prayer in Time of Tribulation

O Lord God Almighty! Look down upon us, Thy sinful children, who have sinned before Thee and have angered Thy goodness, who have drawn down Thy righteous wrath upon us...