Prayers to the Sovereign Mother of God
Prayers to the Sovereign Mother of God
Prayer I
O most lauded Mother, helper of the world! Falling down before thine icon "She Who Reigneth" with fear, faith and love, we fervently beseech thee: turn not thy face away from those who have recourse unto thee. O merciful Mother of the Light, entreat thy Son and our God, the sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, that He preserve our land in peace, that He grant our nation prosperity and deliver us from civil strife; that He strengthen our holy Orthodox Church and preserve it from unbelief, schism and heresies. For we have no other help than thee, O all-pure Virgin. Thou art the almighty help of Christians before God, who dost mollify His righteous wrath. All who pray to thee with faith do thou deliver from falling into sin, from the assaults of evil men, from famine, sorrow and sickness. Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thought, the correction of our sinful life and the remission of our offenses; that, singing of thy mighty deeds with gratitude, we may be counted worthy of the heavenly kingdom, and there, with all the saints, may glorify the most honorable and majestic name of God Who is glorified in Trinity: the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer II
O Sovereign Mistress, all-holy Theotokos, who hast held in thine embrace the King of heaven, Who holdeth the whole universe in the palm of His hand! We thank thee for thine ineffable lovingkindness, for thou wast well pleased to reveal unto us, the sinful and unworthy, this thy holy and miraculous icon in these cruel and evil days, which like a tempest of wind assailed the Russian land when it was cast down and reviled, and when its holy places were destroyed and desecrated by mindless men, who say, not only in their heart, but even shamelessly with their mouths: "There is no God", and who demonstrate their atheism in their deeds. We thank thee, O our helper, that thou hast looked down from the heights of thy holiness upon our sorrows and upon the woe of thine Orthodox children, and that, like the radiant sun, with the most sweet sight of thine icon "She Who Reigneth", thou dost gladden our eyes, which have grown weak from grief. O all-blessed Mother of God, sovereign helper, mighty aid, thanking thee with fear and trembling, though we are unprofitable servants, we fall down before thee with compunction, with contrition of heart and tears, and beseech thee, and, groaning, cry out to thee: Save, O save us! Help, O help us! Make haste, for we perish! Lo! our life hath drawn nigh unto hades! Behold, our many sins, our many tribulations, our many enemies, surrounding us, have encompassed us! O heavenly Queen, with the scepter of thy divine authority, scatter like smoke the wicked designs of our enemies, visible and invisible; set at nought their boastful words, and place them under ban; and, as thou art the Mother of all, guide them to the straight and God-pleasing path. In the hearts of all of us plant righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit; cause tranquility, prosperity, peace and unfeigned love one for another to dwell in the Russian land. By thine almighty sovereignty stem the torrents of iniquity, O all-pure one, which threaten to drown our land in their terrible depths. Uphold, strengthen, save and raise us up, who are weak, faint-hearted, feeble and indifferent; that, preserved ever under thy dominion, we may hymn and magnify thy most honored and majestic name, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Troparion (Tone IV)
Seeking the city of Sion, we flee today beneath thy protection, O pure Virgin, and none can assail us, for there is no city as powerful as the one of Him Who is God, and no other might to equal that of the mercy of the Virgin Mistress.
Kontakion (Tone VIII)
To thee, the champion leader, do we offer hymns of victory, for thy might hath been given to us, and we are not afraid; for our salvation is not of this world, but we are defended by the lovingkindness of the all-exalted Mistress. Today we rejoice therein, for the Mistress hath come to watch over her land.
Ikos: Beholding thine icon—the Ancient of Days in the clouds, and Christ God, thy Son and the Savior of the world, in thine arms—we bow down before thy temple and, kissing thy precious feet, we cry out to thee thus: Truly great salvation hath been given us, and our hope is ever before us, for the Mistress hath come to watch over her land.
Translated from Church Slavonic by Monk Joseph (Isaac Lambertsen).
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