Prayers to the Mother of God, The Surety of Sinners
Prayers to the Mother of God, The Surety of Sinners
Prayer I
O most blessed Mistress, defender of the Christian race, refuge and salvation of those who flee unto thee! I know, I truly know that I have sinned greatly, O all-merciful Lady, and have angered the Son of God Who was born of thee in the flesh. Yet I hold before me great examples of those who have angered His loving-kindness: the publican, the harlot and other sinners, to whom forgiveness of sins was granted because of their repentance and confession. Setting before the eyes of my sinful soul such examples of those who found mercy, and looking for the same divine loving-kindness that they received, even I who am sinful have made bold to flee with repentance to thy kind-heartedness, O most merciful Mistress. Grant me a helping hand, and in thy maternal and most holy supplications ask thy Son and God for the forgiveness for my grievous sins. I believe and confess that the Son to Whom thou gavest birth is truly the Christ, the Son of the living God, the Judge of the living and the dead, Who will reward each according to his works; and I likewise believe and confess thee to be the true Theotokos, the wellspring of loving-kindness, the consolation of those who weep, the search for the lost, a mighty and tireless mediatress before God, one who loveth the Christian race exceedingly, the surety of repentance; for we truly have none other hope and protection than thee, O all-merciful Lady, and no-one who trusteth in thee hath ever been put to shame, nor hath anyone been forsaken when thou entreatest God. Wherefore, I beseech thy boundless goodness: open the doors of thy compassion unto me who am gone astray and fallen into the mire of the pit. Spurn me not who am defiled, neither disdain my sinful plea, nor forsake me, the wretch: for the wicked enemy seeketh to ensnare me in destruction. But in my behalf beseech thy loving Son and God Who was born of thee, that He forgive my great sins and deliver me from damnation, that I also, together with all who have received forgiveness, may hymn and glorify the infinite compassion of God and the unashamed help thou shalt give me in this life and in the age that is without end. Amen.
Prayer II
O mine all-good Queen, O Theotokos my hope, refuge of the orphaned and advocate for strangers, joy of the sorrowful and protector of the oppressed! Thou seest my misfortune, thou seest my tribulation. Help me, for I am weak; guide me for I am a sojourner. Thou knowest mine offense: lift it as thou alone art able, for I have none other help than thee, none other advocate, none other good consoler than thee, O Mother of God, to preserve me and protect me unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Translated from Church Slavonic by Monk Joseph (Isaac Lambertsen).
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