Prayers to Saint Benedict of Nursia
Prayer to our Venerable Father Benedict, Wonderworker of Nursia
O holy Benedict, our venerable father, instructor of monastics and beacon of faith and piety for all the Orthodox faithful, in compunction of soul and contrition of heart we fall down before thee and earnestly beseech thee: Take pity upon us, thy lowly and afflicted servants, and by the grace which our All-compassionate Savior hath bestowed upon thee in such great abundance, assuage our griefs and comfort us amid the sorrows of this transitory life, instilling within us the resolve to follow the precepts of God with diligence, in the hope of obtaining those good things which He provideth for His chosen in the kingdom on high. And as thou didst flee the allurements of this vain world and seek refuge and inner stillness in the mountain fastnesses of thy native land, so teach us to disdain the pleasure of the flesh and the senses, which distract us from the contemplation of God and trouble our peace of mind, and lead us up to the noetic mountain of the virtues, where, deified by divine grace, we may behold God in truth. And as thou didst set all the wiles and machinations of the evil one utterly at nought, however he sought to destroy thee—be it by attempting to lead thee astray with wicked illusions and temptations of the flesh, or by inspiring hatred for thee among thine own brethren,—so drive away from us every evil thought and fantasy of our primeval foe, protecting us from his malice and enmity, that without distraction we may repent of our manifold sins and offer up fitting praise to the Most High. And as thou didst carefully set down the rules of obedience, whereby those who live the monastic life in common may attain salvation and ascend from glory to glory, so inspire within us the desire to obey our spiritual fathers, for in obedience, the queen of the virtues, lieth the life of the soul. And as in time of famine thou didst miraculously provide sustenance for thy spiritual children, so also provide noetic sustenance for our souls, that we may labor long and profitably for Christ our God, the Lord of the vineyard, to Whom be glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and unto endless ages. Amen.

Kontakion (Tone VI)
Thou wast enriched by the grace of God, and by thy deeds didst proclaim thy name. In prayer and fasting thou wast shown to be full of the gifts of the Spirit of God, O Benedict, favorite of Christ God. And thou hast been a healer for the infirm, a repulser of the enemy and the ready helper of our souls.
Translated from Church Slavonic by Monk Joseph (Isaac Lambertsen).
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