A Prayer in Time of Tribulation

A Prayer in Time of Tribulation

(Previously Read in the Churches of Russia at the Liturgy)

O Lord God Almighty! Look down upon us, Thy sinful children, who have sinned before Thee and have angered Thy goodness, who have drawn down Thy righteous wrath upon us who have fallen into the abyss of sin. Thou seest, O Lord, our weakness and sorrow of soul; Thou knowest the defilement of our minds and hearts, our lack of faith, our neglect of Thy commandments, the increase of our family upheavals, our disunity and ecclesiastical disputes; Thou seest our grief and sorrow, the result of sickness, famine, flood, fire and civil strife. Yet, O all-merciful Lord Who lovest mankind, admonish, instruct and have mercy on us, unworthy though we are. Set aright our sinful life, and heal our divisions and pacify our conflicts; gather in the scattered, and unite the dispersed; grant peace and prosperity to our land, and deliver it from all misfortunes and tribulations. O most holy Master, illumine our mind with the light of the teaching of the Gospel; warm our hearts with the fervor of Thy grace and guide it toward the doing of Thy commandments, that Thy most holy and all-glorious name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, may be glorified in us, now and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Translated from Church Slavonic by Monk Joseph (Isaac Lambertsen).  
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